Magnesium Breakthrough Reviews: Is it Safe?

9 min readMar 12, 2022


One simple super nutrient is involved in nearly every vital process in your body (over 600). Approximately 80% of the world requires more.

• Generating energy and facilitating relaxation are two of its functions.

• Everyday stress is preventing you from giving your best performance.

• Improved memory retention and speed of learning

• Neurotransmitters that make you feel good

• Regulating 325 different enzymes

• Gene repairing

• Improving the health of the heart and endothelial cells

• Maintaining healthy levels of inflammation

• Fat loss, insulin sensitivity, and thyroid health (the metabolic hormone)

• Testosterone production

• Protecting the body from free radicals

• Defending the brain and adrenal glands

It also helps to relieve the symptoms of a variety of dangerous conditions.

It’s well-researched, effective, easy to find, and inexpensive as a supplement.

Magnesium is a mineral that doctors, scientists, longevity researchers, health professionals, and personal trainers all recommend.

However, not every product on the market is created equal. You could cause more harm than good if you don’t know what to look for.

This review will assist you in making an informed decision. I’ll go over the advantages, disadvantages, best forms and timing, best brands, and a comprehensive review of the best magnesium supplements available. By the end, you’ll have all the information you need to purchase the best magnesium supplement for your specific needs.

Magnesium is one of thirteen essential minerals in the human body. To perform its basic functions, your body requires a sufficient amount of minerals. Minerals are mined from the ground and absorbed by plants and animals. We get the majority of our nutrition from food. Even minor deficiencies cause the body’s vital functions to fail.

Minerals, in a nutshell, help to:

• Growth

• Regeneration

• Energy

• Performance

The body cannot self-balance without adequate minerals. Magnesium alone is involved in over 600 different biochemical reactions.

Magnesium Breakthrough: What Is It?

Magnesium Breakthrough is a complex formula that contains seven different magnesium compounds and is intended for use as a nutritional supplement.

Because different forms of elemental magnesium have different bioavailabilities, a complex formulation containing multiple forms of elemental magnesium increases the chances of receiving all of the benefits.

Magnesium comes in seven different forms in the Breakthrough supplement. Here’s a quick rundown of what they’re all about.

1. Chelated Magnesium

Chelated minerals are those that have been combined with other substances, such as amino acids, to increase absorption. It is not stated on the supplement facts label which substance magnesium is chelated to. This form makes up the majority of the 500 mg in the blend because it is listed first. This form is frequently used for muscle building, recovery, and health, according to the company. According to some studies, this mineral may help older adults improve their strength and walking speed. However, this has not been proven in other studies.

2. Magnesium bisglycinate

Another name for this is magnesium glycinate. Here, the mineral is bonded to glycine, an amino acid. According to the company, research on this form of the mineral has found that it may help overweight people with arterial stiffness. However, the researchers in that study state that they are unsure whether the effects were caused by magnesium or citrate — or if other forms of the mineral would have the same effect.

3. Magnesium aspartate

The mineral is bonded to aspartic acid, an amino acid, in this form. This type of Mag is said to be beneficial to the heart and to improve one’s mood. It has been shown in some studies to improve mood in women going through menopause. Another study found that supplementing with vitamin B6 and magnesium reduced anxiety associated with premenstrual syndrome. Vitamin B6 is also present in the Breakthrough supplement, which is beneficial.

4. Magnesium malate

The mineral is bonded to malic acid, a substance found in apples and other fruits, to create this combination. Malic is produced in the body as well. Malic acid aids in the production of energy. This form, according to the company, may help with migraine headaches. This is supported by evidence, but it appears to apply to the mineral in general, not just the malate form.

5. Magnesium orotate

The mineral is combined with orotic acid in this formulation. Orotic acid was once thought to be a B vitamin (B13), but this is no longer the case. Orotic acid is produced in the mitochondria and aids in the formation of genetic material (DNA & RNA). Orotic acid can be found in milk and dairy products.

This form is best for “metabolic improvements” and athletes looking for more energy and performance, according to the company. Magnesium supplements do not appear to improve exercise performance in most studies. If this mineral improves gym workouts, it may be most effective in beginners. Surprisingly, some evidence suggests that Magnesium supplements (500 mg/day) may lower cortisol levels in athletes.

Mag has also been shown to help with muscle soreness in studies. College students who took 350 mg of magnesium for 10 days had significantly less delayed muscle soreness (DOMS) than those who took a placebo. When people were given 500 mg per day, they had less muscle soreness after exercise, according to other studies. The dosage is the same as the Breakthrough Mag supplement.

6. Magnesium taurate

The Breakthrough supplement contains the 6th form of magnesium. The mineral is combined with taurine, an amino acid, in this recipe. According to some studies, taurine may help people with congestive heart failure. However, the doses at which this could occur are greater than 1000 mg, which is more than the Breakthrough supplement contains. According to other studies, this mineral may help to prevent angina attacks. That said, remember heart problems are complicated and unlikely to be corrected by any single vitamin or mineral.

7. Magnesium citrate

This is the 7th form in the Breakthrough supplement, and it accounts for the smallest percentage of all the forms. Mag was able to form a bond with citric acid in this situation. This is the type found in most stool softeners and laxatives.

Advantages and disadvantages


· It contains a useful dose.

· There are no stimulants.

· Awesome return policy

· Magnesium is a well-studied mineral.

· I think I noticed benefits in my experiment


There is no research on the supplement itself.

Magnesium Breakthrough Research

There was no clinical research available on the Breakthrough supplement. While the BioOptimizers website lists several studies, none of them involved the supplement itself. To be clear, there has been a lot of research done on magnesium. So that’s great. According to the findings, magnesium is essential for good health. The central question is whether taking chelated minerals is better than taking unchelated minerals.

Below is a list of several studies on Magnesium:

Benefits Of Magnesium Breakthrough

What distinguishes biOptimizers Magnesium Breakthrough from other magnesium supplements?

You’ll want to learn more about a few features and benefits.

Stress Reduction

Magnesium has a number of advantages, one of which is that it can help you feel more relaxed and at ease by lowering your blood pressure.

This will not only help you cope with your daily stressors, but it will also help you sleep better.

While most people can experience a reduction in stress and increased relaxation, those who already have high blood pressure are more likely to experience a reduction in blood pressure.

A Better Night’s Sleep

Magnesium can help you sleep better because it makes you feel more relaxed.

You will not only be able to fall asleep faster, but you will also sleep deeper.

As a result, you may feel more rested and ready to face the day.

Part Of 100s Of Chemical Reactions In Your Body

Magnesium is a mineral found in the bones, muscles, soft tissues, and blood.

It plays a role in over 300 bodily functions as a result of its abundance in your body.

It aids in the conversion of food to energy, the production of new proteins, the repair of DNA, the contraction and relaxation of muscles, and the regulation of neurotransmitters, to name a few.

It’s no surprise that you’d want a well-rounded supplement to help with all of those reactions.

Improve Your Immune System

Because magnesium is involved in so many chemical reactions in your body, it’s no surprise that getting enough of it can help your immune system.

Your body can focus on other functions like building a strong immune system to keep you energized if it doesn’t have to work as hard to make those chemical reactions.

Keep Your Heart Rhythm Normal

Calcium and magnesium work together in your heart cells to ensure that your heartbeat is strong, even, and healthy.

Calcium stimulates muscle contractions while magnesium aids cell relaxation, resulting in a regular heartbeat.

You may develop an irregular heartbeat if you are magnesium deficient.

As a result, getting enough magnesium throughout the day can help you maintain a normal heart rhythm.

Cortisol Levels Are Lower

Magnesium, when combined with lower stress levels, can help lower cortisol levels.

Cortisol is the stress hormone in your body, and it has a direct impact on your mood and fear.

Your body does not need to produce more cortisol if your stress levels are low and you are feeling more relaxed.

A reduction in cortisol also means you will have less of a chance of anxiety, headaches, memory problems, digestion issues, and weight gain.

Bones With More Strength

While calcium supplements are beneficial in strengthening your bones, magnesium is required for calcium absorption and metabolism.

Calcium isn’t being used properly by your body if you don’t have enough magnesium.

Your bones will be stronger and you will be able to help prevent the onset of osteoporosis if you consume an adequate amount of magnesium every day.

Exercise Performance Can Be Improved

One of the roles magnesium plays during exercise is to move blood sugar into your muscles and get rid of lactate, which can cause muscle fatigue.

According to some studies, taking magnesium supplements improves your exercise and physical performance.

This is true for athletes, the elderly, and those suffering from a chronic illness.

Improve Your Mood

Magnesium is involved in a variety of functions, including brain function and mood.

Higher levels of magnesium in the body are linked to a better mood and a lower risk of depression as a result of this function.

To use magnesium as a mood booster, you’ll need about 450 milligrams per day.

Insulin Resistance Can Be Increased

Magnesium can help people with Type 2 Diabetes because low magnesium levels can interfere with insulin’s ability to keep blood sugar levels stable.

As a Type 2 Diabetic, if you don’t get enough magnesium from food, a magnesium supplement can help you manage your sugars.

Unconditionally Guarantee

They’re giving you 365 days to decide so that you can give the product a fair shot and make an informed decision.

If you are not completely satisfied with your BiOptimizers product for any reason between now and 365 days from now, simply return your unopened bottles and they will issue a full refund (minus the cost of shipping and handling). You will no longer be eligible for any guarantees if you open a second bottle.

They’re so sure you’ll love their magnesium that they’re willing to give you a full 365-day money-back guarantee.

How much does it cost? Visit Magnesium Breakthrough website to learn more…


This post is for informational purposes only. The information does not constitute advice or purchase suggestions. Make sure to consult with a professional physician before making any purchasing decision.

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